Nuflow technicians on the Gold Coast uncovered an invasion of cockroaches in a local sewer pipe and issued a warning to residents after recent rain and flooding has brought an onslaught of unwanted visitors to drains and pipes.
The footage which was released to the media in a hope that property owners and managers have advanced warning of potential invasion. shared the story along with other local media across Australia.
With the recent weather events back in February 2020, thousands of cockroaches and mosquitoes are taking refuge in residential water systems, and with many pipes cracked or disjointed, these critters can often find their way into the home much easier.
In some instances, when major flooding and heavy rains occur, large pieces of debris and rubbish flow into our waterways, significantly furthering opportunity for the bugs to take to our drainage systems looking for prey and food.
On an interview with 4BC, Nuflow General Manager, James Tighe says it’s important for homeowners to ensure pipes are inspected regularly and free from defects to prevent insects from making an unexpected visit.
“Even small cracks or holes in residential pipes can create an access passage for all sorts of bugs, and the last thing people want to deal with after all this rain and flooding is a few extra visitors in their kitchens or bathrooms” Mr Tighe says.
“The benefit of Nuflow’s revolutionary technology means we can structurally repair many types of water and sewer pipes, not only limiting cockroach access but ensuring water is flowing at its maximum efficiency.”
Nuflow’s technology creates a pipe within a pipe that can structurally repair many types of water and sewage pipes, from high pressure water service mains able to withstand pressure of up to 1800kpa, as well as domestic sewer and drainage applications.
For blocked drains and sewer inspections contact Nuflow.