The upkeep of residential and commercial complexes is a big task. When maintenance problems do arise, building managers and landlords want to find effective, cost efficient and timely solutions that aren’t going to cause major disruptions to their occupants. When it comes to problems with strata plumbing, prompt solutions are going to keep people happy, but you also want something that lasts so the same problem doesn’t need fixing over and over again.
Recently, a residential complex was having issues with leaking copper pipes in unit 25, and wanted a solution that wouldn’t be costly and involve jackhammering up all the pipes over several weeks. Luckily, Nuflow’s Redline was able to save the day and fix the leaking pipe.
The problem: a leak in the cold water line
Unit 25 was on two levels, with 7 water outlets on the bottom (4 cold, 3 hot), and 16 water outlets on the top level (9 cold, 7 hot). All of the copper pipes supplying water to these outlets were embedded in concrete. This layout can cause issues, as hot and cold water pipes expand at much faster rates than the concrete that surrounds them. Their natural expansion is restricted, causing pipes to crack and leak.
This is exactly what happened in Unit 25. There was a known leak in the cold water line that supplied water to the kitchen. Pipes set up like this can’t be replaced easily, and it can be extremely destructive when trying to access the leaking pipes in walls. Nuflow’s technicians knew they would have to find a way to work around this, and also find a solution for preventing the same issue with other pipelines.
The solution: Redline saves the day
The team got to work devising a plan of attack, and Nuflow’s Redline pipe relining was the clear way to go.
Redline is a structural relining solution that specialises in the restoration of pressurised plumbing systems. It works to prevent and eliminate leaks, preserve pipe life, and improve water flow. In this case, it would also minimise the risk of cracking against the concrete and solve an ongoing issue for good.
Plus, its application is a completely non-invasive process that would eliminate the need for Nuflow technicians to break down walls to access the point that needed fixing. They could simply use Nuflow’s Redline system to do a structural reline inside the 1/2” (15mm) pipe, fixing it better than new- and that’s exactly what they did.
The first step of the relining process is to ensure the internal pipe wall is clean and free of scale or residue so it’s ready to accept the redline resin. To clean the pipe, the team use high velocity air and shoot environmentally friendly nut husk or garnet as an abrasive to thoroughly prepare the pipe. The work was then done level by level, with the cold and hot water layouts done separately. The Redline epoxy was carefully measured, and applied one outlet at time. Once this was done, the outlets of the same temperature for layouts on each level were given air at the same time. This ensured the epoxy passed along the right piping and achieved an even application. The air connection was maintained for about 3.5hrs, until the epoxy had effectively set.
Each pipeline received a single coat, except for the leaking line which got a second. At the completion of the job, the damaged water pipe was repaired and fully sealed, with all the water outlets maintaining the same flow rate they had before the coating was applied.
Nuflow’s ongoing commitment
With Nuflow’s post installation monitoring, technicians noted that water flowed perfectly for three days, until an unknown blockage was located in a cold water line that fed to the ensuite.
Nuflow is committed to getting the job done right so there’s no added stress for clients, so we didn’t hesitate to get this problem solved. Our technician attempted to dislodge the blockage with hydrostatic pressure of 80 psi, but no flow past the blockage was achieved.
The next fix was the installation of PEX piping, which was run up a utilities duct from the lower level to the roof cavity, then across to a utilities duct within the ensuite. This proved successful and restored water flow to the vanity, shower and toilet of the ensuite.
Leaks plugged with no mess
Nuflow made sure this job was done right from start to finish with our redline relining solution. There was no invasion to any residents, which was a huge with for the building managers – and the strength of the waterlines was even better than when they started.
To learn more about Nuflow’s Redline solution, and our patented hybrid relining system and commercial plumbing solutions, get in touch with your local Nuflow.